Development of a functional health assessment and individual lifestyle program

Development of a functional health assessment and individual lifestyle program

Donated by: Csősz Andrea

Donated by: Csősz Andrea

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Funkcionális állapotfelmérés és egyéni életmód program kialakítása Development of a functional health assessment and individual lifestyle program A honlap Életmód programjában elérhető, "Oknyomozó csomag", amely tartalmaz egy teljes, 8 féle empirikus tesztből álló funkcionális állapotfelmérést, egy 90 perces online mentorkonzultációt, egy étrendi napló elemzést, illetve személyre szabott stratégiai terv átadását az életmódváltásban. A felajánlás további mentorkonzultációkat, illetve laboros állapotfelmérést nem tartalmaz. A felajánlott szolgáltatás igyénybevételére 2024. május 31-ig van lehetőség. It is available in the Lifestyle program of the website, "Investigative Package", which contains a complete functional condition assessment consisting of 8 types of empirical tests, a 90-minute online mentor consultation, a dietary diary analysis, respectively delivery of a personalized strategic plan for lifestyle change. The offer does not include additional mentor consultations or laboratory condition assessment. The offered service can be requested until May 31, 2024.

A note from Clonlara School: We will be raising funds to improve services for students and families across Clonlara’s global learning community. We will use the funds to enhance our academic and enrichment club offerings including global events that bring us all together both virtually and in person. Your donation will aid Clonlara in expanding and improving services. We will use them to provide professional development to the Clonlara advisors, teachers, and mentors who support these offerings.

Item delivery: After you have paid for any auction items that you won, the event organizer will contact you to coordinate delivery.